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Arte Amanti 2024 1
Arte Amanti Academy & Soloists
Fibonacci Quartet @ Arte Amanti Festival
_Z6D5428- Yoshie Kuwayama (002)
David Poskin & Serge Redkin @ Arte Amanti Festival
Kristie Su, Sascha and Lily Maisky, Ofer Canetti & Gina Beukes @ Arte Amanti Festival
Mathilde Wauters @ Arte Amanti Festival
Ofer Canetti & Dasha Moroz @ Arte Amanti Festival
Luna De Mol (Rising Star) & Arte Amanti Academy
Alissa Margulis @ Arte Amanti Festival

2025 Festival

Het festival brengt opnieuw internationale artistieke persoonlijkheden en uitzonderlijk jong talent naar jouw stad of gemeente. Benieuwd wanneer we bij jou in de buurt zijn? Bekijk dan snel onze kalender!
Het Arte Amanti Festival blijft ook in 2025 hét podium voor jonge talenten in de glans van briljante artiesten. Hoe we dat doen? Lees het hartverwarmende interview met Artistiek Directeur Reinilde Leyers.  

This years edition of the Festival again brings many extraordinary international artistic personalities and exceptional young talent to your city or municipality. Curious when we are in your area? Then take a look in our event calendar! 
Also in 2025, the Arte Amanti Festival aims to be thé stage for young talents in the shine of brilliant artists. How we do this? Read the heartwarming interview with Artistic Director Reinilde Leyers. 

28/03/2025   , 20:00 – 21:30

Sint-Martinuskerk – Meise
Brusselsesteenweg 1B, Meise, 1860

Jong Talent / Young Talent: Elen Shahinans (violin/viool)

29/03/2025 , 20:00 – 21:15

Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Bezoekingkerk – Essene (Affligem)
Essene-Kerkplein 1, Essene, 1790

Jong Talent / Young Talent: Antigone Hourt (viool/violin)  & Steven Kleeven (piano)

30/03/2025  , 11:00 – 12:30

Stadsfeestzaal Aalst
Grote Markt 3, Aalst, 9300

Jong Talent / Young Talent: Ilayda Afşar (hobo/oboe)

Nieuws - News

Benieuwd naar wat onze artiesten en jonge talenten zoals presteren binnen en buiten het Arte Amanti Festival? Lees het hier!
Curious to know what our artists and young talents are up to in- or outside the festival? 


Mogen wij u op de hoogte houden van onze activiteiten? Schrijf in op onze e-newsletter. 

Want to stay updated about our activities? Register to our newsletter.

Artiesten - Artists

Bijzondere internationale artistieke persoonlijkheden en heel veel jong talent, bekijk het volledige overzicht op onze ‘artists’ en ‘young talent’ pagina’s.  
Extraordinary international artistic personalities and a lot of exceptional young talent, find an overview on the ‘artists’ and ‘young talent’ pages.  

Jong Talent / Young Talent and Arte Amanti Chamber and Symphonic Orchestra

A Sneak Preview of the Festival

Getuigenissen - Testimonials

I have had the privilege and pleasure to watch the Arte Amanti Festival flourish and expand over the years and am always so impressed with the hard work and efforts of Reinilde Leyers and her team. From impeccable organisation to attention to detail, creative programmation and an impressive array of great musicians from around the world, I strongly believe that the Arte Amanti Festival is extremely enriching for the Belgian chamber music scene. I always had great fun performing at the festival, discovering new beautiful hidden venues in Flanders, receiving such a warm welcome from the Festival team and audiences alike and having the chance to play wonderful music with great friends and colleagues. I only wish the Arte Amanti International Chamber Music Festival a long and fruitful continuation and look forward to seeing what the future will bring!
Lily Maisky
Musician, pianist
There are festivals - and there is Arte Amanti. The organizer's unprecedented devotion, enthusiasm and true love for music, musicians and the public makes Arte Amanti my secret highlight of the season! The festival in the most beautiful places in Belgium creates an atmosphere in which the endless fire of music will pass on! Bravo!
Boris Kusnezow
Musician, pianist
